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Unique And Awesome Internship Which Pays You.

Yes, the title you read is right… Get Paid for learning!!! Digital Deepak Internship Program(DDIP), You may have heard about this program or not and If you are looking forward to joining this program, or want an honest review for it, then you are at the right place 🙂

In this article, I will be sharing my journey and personal experience with this program.

However, if you don’t know anything about it, let me give you a quick guide on what is DDIP and who is Digital Deepak.

Deepak Kanakaraju, Digital Deepak, One of the leading digital marketer, trainer, consultant, and an entrepreneur, founder of Pixel track has been working in the digital industry since 2008.

With a commendable experience of more than 12 years in this industry and has trained thousands of students and professionals, Deepak has established himself as a brand. He says it is the digital version of himself. Deepak has always emphasized having a success mindset and having an optimistic approach towards life. Digital Marketing is just a tool or medium, but what’s more important is building the foundation of marketing and branding backed by a positive learning approach. The pillars and knowledge of marketing concepts will help you grow and establish yourself in the long run.

As Simon Senek says “Why are some people and organizations more inventive, pioneering, and successful than others? And why are they able to repeat their success again and again?

Because in business it doesn’t matter what you do, it matters why you do it.” On that note let me explain why digital marketing first.

Why Digital Marketing and Opportunities in Digital Marketing.

Digital Marketing is becoming more critical than ever during these times, and every business is counting on online marketing for their growth.

If you’ve been waiting to learn digital marketing, Now is the right time to explore this industry and get an edge over others.

There is so much information available online that beginners find lack of guidance as a significant challenge while learning this skill. As a result, It seems more overwhelming, and hence, beginners develop premature assumptions and think about it as something that only professionals with IT background can do the same.

Considering the challenge mentioned above, Deepak has come up with one of its kind programs by the name of Digital Deepak Internship Program(DDIP).

What is Digital Deepak Internship Program (DDIP)?

It’s a 12 Weeks program(technically) where you can learn Digital marketing for free and earn during the program in a guided and smooth manner. This program is all about learning, implementation, and getting rewarded for your efforts.

What? We will get paid to learn?

Yes, it is true. This program is technically free as all the money paid, will be returned in the form of cash backs after completing each assignment.

After completing the videos, You have to apply the video’s learnings in the assignment worksheet practically and submit it within the specified deadline.

It is not only about learning digital marketing, but also this program helps you change your overall personality and outlook towards learning. Apart from this, It will make you more disciplined and productive throughout the journey.

Deepak has always believed that there has to be a vital purpose or motive in life that will help you find out your hidden potential, and only this drive to do something will get the best out of yourself. One must be rewarded for putting in the best efforts.

Hence, he decided to structure this internship program in the same manner. And want to know the reason? Why he made this program free? Why he introduced cashback?

Here is the complete article on why he started it.

This internship is designed in such a way, that the interns not only learn about Digital marketing skills but also apply them practically. In fact, this program is not only about digital marketing, it teaches you about the whole world of business, marketing, and sales. And as we all interns define this program – It is more like an MBA degree, which takes you on the journey of the business world. It will give you a step-by-step guide, from developing a success mindset, selecting your niche to how to become an expert in that particular niche, and how to monetize that niche.

The best thing I liked about this program is that you are practically doing the things that your mentor teaches you and the support that each and every team member provides is fantastic. It is not like the other courses that gives you some recorded videos and after completing them you get one certificate. NO! DDIP is completely a new and incredible internship.

Here, you will be given :

– One Video lesson every week,

-One assignment,

-One video lecture explaining how to do that assignment

-One live QnA session on the doubts related to the assignment,

-And if you still have any doubt, you can ask them in the telegram group and discuss them with other interns.

How does this internship program work?

1)First of all, You have to fill up an application form specifying all the details such as name, email, profession, and why you want to learn digital marketing? (Link to the application form in the end)

2)After filling up the form, You will get a welcome email from the Digital Deepak team and an invite to the webinar. He will specify the entire internship program in detail and how to benefit yourself out of this program.

3)You have to deposit the Internship security fees. Over the time period of 16 weeks, You will be able to get your investment back or even earn more than the amount invested provided you complete all your assignments on time and in the right manner with a 100% approval guarantee.

4)After registration, You will get access to the Digital Deepak Internship Network of more than 500 participants, including students and professionals from various industries. This will help you network with a diverse group of learners.

Learn together, Grow Together

5)You will get access to Learning Management System(LMS). Every week, one video will be released in the LMS. Watch it, learn the concepts, make notes and implement the knowledge in the task-based assignment provided with a specified deadline.

6)Complete the assignment and submit it on LMS. : There you go; you just finished your assignment and hence, entitled to a cashback provided you complete your assignment in the right manner with an approval guarantee.

7) In case you get stuck in the assignment, then there is a Q and A session held every week to resolve all your queries, and you can ask your doubts pertaining to the concepts.

8)Even if you have made any mistakes, then there is a 100% approval guarantee from the team. This means that you get one more chance to submit your assignment, and therefore, you will be entitled to the cashback.

8)After completing all the assignments, you have to appear for an exam that will test your practical knowledge of the skills you have acquired from the internship program and get yourself industry certified.

This journey will take you from developing a positive mindset in the beginning to learning new concepts of digital marketing in a smooth, comfortable, and in fun to understand way.

The program is structured in the following manner(Subject to change)

As told earlier, it is a 12 week program. And here is the explanation on what you will learn in each week:

    This is indeed the most powerful lesson of this internship.

And as we know the first step towards success is having the mindset. It is something that prepares you for success.

You will be a different version of yourself after this lesson.


In this week, you will learn about the fundamentals of marketing.

Even if you have zero knowledge of things like marketing, branding, economics and communication, after going through the video and assignment you will be a pro at it.


In this week, you will be given a step by step guide on how to find your niche, how to find your passion.

Personally it was one of my favourite weeks. I loved the way how Deepak sir explained the concept with the mix of marketing and spirituality.

After this week, you will be able to find your niche.


In this week you will learn,what is required to set up your own blog, how you do it.

You will be given a step by step guide on how to set up it.

I was amazed how easy it was to start my own blog.

I remember, I was planning since a year to start it, but this program made me to come up with it in just a week.

Wow, having your own home at internet is the best feeling you can have.


In this week, you will learn about how to create content. Deepak sir explained in this week, a blueprint on how to start with your career and What should be a cycle for your work.

You will learn about content empire blueprint and different types of content.


I loved the approach Deepak sir have about social media marketing. It was completely different from what I knew before this week.

He explained the concept of organic growth, the concept of 1000 true fans, how to design your own profitable funnel, building your own community, and many more things.

This week pushed me out if my comfort zone, because I started my own youtube channel and conducted my first webinar. Completely a mind blowing experience.


In this week you will learn about what are leads and why they are important for businesses.

I personally loved how Deepak sir explained the concept of B2B and B2C products using a graph in such an easy manner. He is really a master in explaining deep concepts in an easy way.


In this week you will learn about how to run an effective ad campaign and and all the other concepts related to Facebook ads.


in this week you will learn how FB ads and google ads are different, how to run google ads practically, and google ads optimization.


SEO is one of the essential things in Digital Marketing.

In this week, you will learn how to optimize your content using keywords to rank your website.

Also, you will learn about backlinks and why they are important


This was my favorite week, because I loved the concept of deep marketing and lead nurturing by sending personalized emails.

You will learn how you can automate the whole process of sending personalized mails using different tools.

It was great fun to use conditional content and writing if and else coding. Even I successfully made the combination of 12 options using conditional content in my first attempt. Great feeling indeed.


This week is basically about how to monetize all the learnings that you understood in 11weeks.

It is one of the most powerful weeks of internship. Deepak sir, in this week, explained the concept of sales and copywriting.

The best part of this week was its assignment, the most interesting assignment among all weeks.

It was one of the mind-blowing weeks of this internship. Totally loved it. But this is not the ending, apart from these 12 weeks you will get extra Bonus Week (Include 4 Weeks) to learn deeply about

Bonus Weeks(May Change)

1)affiliate Marketing

2)Digital Freelancing

3)Personal Branding

4)Digital Mentoring

Why Digital Deepak Internship Program?

1)Program for beginners:  If you are a beginner who wants to explore this industry, don’t know where to start, and looking for the right mentorship and guidance, then this program will be beyond your expectations, and the results from this internship program speak themselves.

2)Return of Investment: The program is almost free of cost, provided you complete your assignments on time and in the right manner. You will be given 30 days to complete each assignment and then you will have to upload that assignment on your LMS. And after a week or two, your assignments will get approved on the basis of your answers. And this is up to you, you can redeem your cash backs one by one after each assignment or at lump sum after completing all the assignments of 12+ bonus weeks. Completely up to you.

3)100% Approval Guarantee: Digital Deepak is offering you a 100% approval guarantee. This means that if your assignment is not up to the mark, you can resubmit the assignment and claim your cashback.

4)Networking: Networking plays a crucial role in today’s era. You can learn, grow and network with diverse learners such as students, professionals, business people, etc. and from any region in the country.

5)Active community support: The community support throughout the internship program is splendid. Interns from previous batches and an experienced team of professionals work day and night wholeheartedly to make this internship program seamless and productive for everyone.

If you are stuck anywhere, all you have to do is drop a message in a group or mail it to the support team of Digital Deepak, and the rest will be taken care of efficiently and effectively.

6)Bonuses and Surprises: This internship program will be full of suspense and excitement at the same time. There will be many surprises in terms of content, gifts, courses, premium network, and You will get to know more about the same during your internship.

7) Job opportunities: Digital Marketing is one industry that has witnessed tremendous growth in the past 5years (all thanks to cheap and fast data plans and more connectivity), and with businesses going online, it is expected to rise even further 10 years down the line. This opportunity will help you make the most out of the digital era, where you can even work as a freelancer, open a digital agency or join an existing digital marketing firm.

8) Access to Digital Deepak Premium Courses: Access to 2 or 3 premium courses will be given to interns during the internship program worth 7k.

9)Special bonuses for Top 10 and Top 100 interns. If you make it in the top 10, Then you have an opportunity to make a bonus earning up to 9K over and above the security deposit invested at the time of joining.

10) Internship Certificate and excellence awards for top interns: After completing this internship program, There is a D-MAT exam in the end that will test your concept and practical knowledge and based on exam performance, You will be considered for internship rankings. Internship certificates will be provided to everyone, which you can add in your CVs and LinkedIn that shows you are industry certified.

You can earn more than what you invested

You read that right!!!!

You can earn even more. After completing your 12 weeks you will have to go give your DMAT exam having MCQ-type questions, as I mentioned above as well. And after the assessment, based on your overall performance you will be given rank.

The top 10 interns and top 100 interns are given extra cash rewards along with the money they invested.

Isn’t it cool?

Along with that, you will have the opportunity to work with the Digital Deepak team if you are showing some excellent outcomes from the Internship Program.


Digital Marketing Aptitude Test, will be conducted at the end of the internship program. That makes you a Certified Digital Marketer. The Exam will be conducted online. Rakings of the interns will be based on the performance in this exam.

There will be 2 slots announced before the exam, you register for the day as per your wish, but if we miss this, it is the only chance.Once you register for the say you will get an email from Kamna Jain like below.

Once you join the webinar, where Kamna will explain the process of the exam with a video, then Krishna will share a link to your email like below.

Then when you open the link, it will be like below.

where you can start the exam and complete it within 90 minutes. A timer will be shown on top so that you can keep track of the time. Once you complete the exam, don’t forget to submit it. After that, you can view the score as well immediately. This is your only chance to view your score because they won’t send you later. I will update my certificate here once I receive it after 10-15 days.

Final Thoughts

I enrolled myself in Batch-9 of the internship program. DD Masterminds.

Action speaks louder than words. The commitment that all you need is yourself. You have to put in the work with dedication. You are only answerable to yourself.  Execution is more important than words and this is what Digital Deepak Internship Program is all about.

Talking about my personal experience, This internship program has helped me enter the digital world in a more guided manner, Thanks to the community support and loads of learning. What I have realized during these 4 months is that consistency is the key to learn anything new.

Consistent efforts daily give fruitful results and help break the myths of not having enough time to learn anything new.

Commitment backed by consistent efforts can take a person a long way towards success and growth.

There is no doubt that “This internship will give 10X value to amount that has been paid”

Join the upcoming batch of Digital Deepak Internship program by using this link. Get all your doubts cleared in the launch webinar.

Joining this internship program was one of the best decision of my life. I can tell you this without any single doubt.

All I can say is, just join this program, you yourself will get to know , how incredible this internship is.

You can check out more about Digital Deepak blogs and training using the link given below


Stay tuned for more reviews.

Let me know your thoughts in the comment section.

What do you think? Did you find it interesting? If Yes, give a like and Let me know by sharing your comments.

I can help you Overshoot Your Goals in the Right Ways, head over to my profile here – https://testwitharjun.com/about/ to get more info.

Thanks for reading!!!


Update: 11/06/2021

Finally, I am graduated – https://www.certonce.com/verifier/certonce/20018/8306980b-6ab7-4c9c-a414-a2668cc5c2f4

& I made it to the top 100 intern.

And i am glad i was able to screenshare with Deepak sir.

Thanks for reading till now. 🙂

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